La Faraona


Descendientes de J Palacios


2015 "La Faraona" Bierzo D.O., Descendientes de J. Palacios

Dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, dezenter Wasserrand. Kräuterwürzig unterlegtes reifes Kirschenkonfit, süße Gewürze, sehr facettenreiches, fleischiges Mencía-Bukett. Stoffig, sehr komplex, reife rotbeerige Noten, tragende Tannine, rauchige Würze, frische Textur, sehr harmonisch und lange anhaftend, bereits gut antrinkbar, salzig, enorme Länge, tolle Zukunft.

Robert Parker's Wine Advocate:
The very complete, exuberant, aromatic and ever-changing in the glass 2015 La Faraona was tough competition for the perfect 2014. Originally, half of the vines from La Faraona were white varieties; after regrafting for five years, the regrafted vines have produced grapes, so yields and production figures are a lot higher. There was a big fire next to La Faraona a couple of months before they harvested, and they feared the wine would show some smoky notes, but fortunately, it does not. It felt very balanced, keeping the freshness, very obviously young but approachable now. Ricardo Pérez Palacios prefers this 2015 to the 2014, but today I give the 2014 the edge. But let's see if we can compare them again in ten years time... 1,637 bottles, 42 magnums, eight double magnums and five Jeroboams were filled on April 3rd 2017.


Kategorie Wein
Farbe rot
Geschmack trocken
Jahrgang 2015
Flaschengröße 0,75 l
Verschluss Naturkorken
Qualitätsstufe D.O.
Herkunft Bierzo (ES)
Vorhandener Alkohol 14% vol
Enthält Sulfite Ja
Öko-Kontrollstellennummer Händler CH-BIO-123'4'5^4545


Enthält Sulfite Ja
CHF 1’170.00 CHF 1’560.00/Liter
inkl. Mwst. (zzgl. Versandkosten)

Produkte werden in 3 – 5 Werktagen geliefert


  • falstaff 97

  • jamesSuckling 99

  • Robert Parker 99

  • wineSpectator 99


  • Descendientes de J Palacios
  • Deutschland
  • C / Chao do Pando 1 1
    24514 Corullón, León